Results for 'Marilyn F. Kraus'

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  1. Vulnerability of the frontal lobes to closed head injury.Marilyn F. Kraus & Harvey S. Levin - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy, The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press. pp. 5--199.
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    After Patriarchy: Feminist Transformations of the World Religions.Marilyn F. Nefsky, Paula M. Cooey, William R. Eakin & Jay B. McDaniel - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:252.
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    The Vision of Buddhism. [REVIEW]Marilyn F. Nefsky - 1991 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 11:311.
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    Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. Part 52: Old Babylonian LettersAltbabylonische Briefe in Unschrift und Ubersetzung. Heft VII.Samuel Greengus, C. B. F. Walker & F. R. Kraus - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (2):257.
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  5. Axiomatization and Models of Scientific Theories.Décio Krause, Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Fernando T. F. Moraes - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):363-382.
    In this paper we discuss two approaches to the axiomatization of scientific theories in the context of the so called semantic approach, according to which (roughly) a theory can be seen as a class of models. The two approaches are associated respectively to Suppes’ and to da Costa and Chuaqui’s works. We argue that theories can be developed both in a way more akin to the usual mathematical practice (Suppes), in an informal set theoretical environment, writing the set theoretical predicate (...)
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    Memory and Intuition: A Focal Debate in Fourteenth Century Cognitive Psychology.Marilyn McCord Adams & O. F. M. Wolter - 1993 - Franciscan Studies 53 (1):175-192.
  7. La ontología social y el círculo virtuoso de la educación pública.Rodrigo A. González F. & María Soledad Krause M. - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (2):157-176.
    En este artículo argumentamos que la naturaleza pública o privada de la educación tiene una incidencia directa en las instituciones que conforman la realidad social. Para sustentar lo anterior, en primer lugar discutimos cómo, según Searle, habitamos un mundo de instituciones gobernadas por reglas y poderes deónticos, ontológicamente irreductibles. Luego, postulamos que la intencionalidad colectiva requiere de la confianza para mantenerse, y esta aumenta cuando gobiernan reglas y poderes deónticos en circunstancias normales. Finalmente, planteamos que la educación pública es una (...)
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    Supporting Pregnant Women through Difficult Decisions: A Case of Prenatal Diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.Marilyn E. Coors & Susan F. Townsend - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (3):266-274.
  9. Guest Reviewers 2003.Adams Marilyn, Adolph Karen, F. X. Alario, Armstrong Craig, Arnold Jennifer, Ashcraft Mark, Avrahami Judith, Baayen Harald, Baker Mark & Balaban Evan - 2004 - Cognition 93:259-261.
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    Word identification as a function of semantic clues and associative frequency.Marilyn T. Zivian & Klaus F. Riegel - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):336.
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  11. The frontal lobes and traumatic brain injury.M. F. Kraus & H. S. Levin - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy, The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press. pp. 199--213.
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    The ideal of humanity and universal federation.Karl Christian F. Krause & William Hastie - 1900 - Edinburgh,: T. & J. Clark. Edited by W. Hastie.
    The ideal of humanity.--The federation of humanity.--The moral progress of humanity.
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  13. Vida económica de los pueblos.F. Krause - 1932 - Barcelona,: Editorial Labor.
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    17.Zu Horaz, Sat. I 8, 39.Ernst F. Krause - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):638-638.
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    Zu Suidas.Ernst F. Krause - 1904 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 13 (1):113-113.
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    Königliche Verfügungen in Altbabylonischer ZeitKonigliche Verfugungen in Altbabylonischer Zeit.Samuel Greengus & F. R. Kraus - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):153.
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    Briefe aus kleineren westeuropäischen SammlungenBriefe aus kleineren westeuropaischen Sammlungen.William L. Moran & F. R. Kraus - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):134.
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    Schriften zur Runologie und Sprachwissenschaft.WolfgangHG Krause - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    Wolfgang Krause war einer der Begr nder der deutschsprachigen Runologie. Die Runen sind nicht nur sprachhistorische Zeugnisse; ihre Analyse erschlie t auch das Alltagsleben. Somit geh rt die Runologie zum Nukleus der Kulturwissenschaften am Schnittpunkt Linguistik, Philologie, Arch ologie und Geschichte. Hier werden Krauses wichtigste Schriften versammelt. Die Einleitung arbeitet zudem die Relevanz f r aktuelle wissenschaftliche Fragen heraus.
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  19. Evil as Nothing.Marilyn McCord Adams - 2012 - Modern Schoolman 89 (3-4):131-145.
    Anselm inherited a Platonizing approach to philosophy from Augustine and Boethius. But he characteristically reworked what he found in their texts by questioning and disputing it into something more rigorous. In this paper, I compare and contrast Anselm’s treatment of the trope ‘evil is nothing, not a being’ withBoethius’s use of it in The Consolation of Philosophy. In the first section, I expose a fallacious argument form common to them both: paradigm Fness is identical with paradigm Gness; X participates in (...)
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    F anonian Musings: Decolonizing/Philosophy/Psychiatry.Marilyn Nissim-Sabat - 2010 - In Elizabeth Anne Hoppe & Tracey Nicholls, Fanon and the Decolonization of Philosophy. Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield). pp. 39.
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    Getting Real: The Maryland Healthcare Ethics Committee Network’s COVID-19 Working Group Debriefs Lessons Learned.Norton Elson, Howard Gwon, Diane E. Hoffmann, Adam M. Kelmenson, Ahmed Khan, Joanne F. Kraus, Casmir C. Onyegwara, Gail Povar, Fatima Sheikh & Anita J. Tarzian - 2021 - HEC Forum 33 (1):91-107.
    Responding to a major pandemic and planning for allocation of scarce resources under crisis standards of care requires coordination and cooperation across federal, state and local governments in tandem with the larger societal infrastructure. Maryland remains one of the few states with no state-endorsed ASR plan, despite having a plan published in 2017 that was informed by public forums across the state. In this article, we review strengths and weaknesses of Maryland’s response to COVID-19 and the role of the Maryland (...)
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  22. Feigel, F. K., Der französische Neokritizismus und seine religionsphilosophischen Folgerungen. [REVIEW]Emil Kraus - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 24:143.
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    Maryland’s Experience With the COVID-19 Surge: What Worked, What Didn’t, What Next?H. Gwon, M. Haeri, D. E. Hoffmann, A. Khan, A. Kelmenson, J. F. Kraus, C. Onyegwara, C. Paradissis, G. Povar, J. Schwartz, F. Sheikh & A. J. Tarzian - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):150-152.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 150-152.
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    Symbolic Logic.John E. Pfeiffer, Robert S. Hahn, O. F. Krause, Charles Bomgren, Alexander B. Morris & J. C. Brown - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):276-276.
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    Definition, conceptualisation and measurement of trust.Martin Porcheron, Minha Lee, Birthe Nesset, Frode Guribye, Margot van der Goot, Roger K. Moore, Ricardo Usbeck, Ana Paiva, Catherine Pelachaud, Elayne Ruane, Björn Schuller, Guy Laban, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Matthias Kraus & Asbjørn Følstad - 2022 - Dagstuhl Reports 11 (8):101-105.
    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 21381 "Conversational Agent as Trustworthy Autonomous System ". First, we present the abstracts of the talks delivered by the Seminar’s attendees. Then we report on the origin and process of our six breakout groups. For each group, we describe its contributors, goals and key questions, key insights, and future research. The themes of the groups were derived from a pre-Seminar survey, which also led to a list of suggested readings (...)
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    Inheritance Laws and Their Social BackgroundEssays on Oriental Laws of Succession.Aaron Skaist, J. Brugman, M. David, F. R. Kraus, P. W. Pestman & M. H. van der Valk - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):242.
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  27. Cartesian Psychophysics and the Whole Nature of Man by Richard F. Hassing. [REVIEW]Pamela Kraus - 2017 - Interpretation 43 (3):493-496.
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  28. K. C. F. Krause: The Combinatorian as Logician.Uwe Meixner - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (2).
    In a time which it is not amiss to term “the Dark Ages of logic”, Karl Christian Friedrich Krause stayed not only true to logic but actually did something for its advancement. Besides making systematic use of Venn-diagrams long before Venn, Krause — once more taking his inspiration from Leibniz — propounded what appears to be the first completely symbolic systematic representation of logical forms, strongly suggestive of the powerful symbolic languages that have become the mainstay of logic since the (...)
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  29. Quaestiones de universalibus magistrorum Crathorn, O.P., anonymi O.F.M., Ioannis Canonici, O.F.M.John Crathorn, Johannes Joannes, Jacobus de Marcia & Kraus - 1937 - Monasterii: editit Aschendorff. Edited by Jacobus Asculanus, John & Johannes Kraus.
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    Philosophie und gesellschaftliche Praxis: Wirkungen der Philosophie K.C.F. Krauses in Deutschland, 1833-1881.Enrique Menéndez Ureña - 2001 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Dieses Buch versucht, die institutionelle Wirkung der Schuler K. C. F. Krauses grosstenteils anhand unveroffentlichter Handschriften zu rekonstruieren und den philosophie- und padagogikgeschichtlichen Kontext zu erhellen. Eingehend behandelt werden die ersten deutschen Philosophiekongresse, die von theistischen (I. H. Fichte) bzw. linkshegelianischen (L. Noack, K. Nauwerck) Richtungen und von Krauseanhangern veranstaltet wurden. Die Untersuchung widmet der engen Beziehung zwischen Frobel und Krause und dem daraus entspringenden 'Krause-Frobelianismus' besondere Aufmerksamkeit: Sie zeigt, inwiefern Krauses Philosophie mit ihren Tendenzen zum Praktischwerden und zum 'menschheitlichen' (...)
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  31. Studie zu K. Chr. F. Krauses Philosophie in Spanien.Hans Flasche - 1936 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 14:382-397.
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  32. Remarks on the applications of paraconsistent logic to physics.Newton C. A. da Costa & Décio Krause - unknown
    In this paper we make some general remarks on the use of non-classical logics, in particular paraconsistent logic, in the foundational analysis of physical theories. As a case-study, we present a reconstruction of P.\ -D.\ F\'evrier's 'logic of complementarity' as a strict three-valued logic and also a paraconsistent version of it. At the end, we sketch our own approach to complementarity, which is based on a paraconsistent logic termed 'paraclassical logic'.
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    F. W. J. Schelling Und C. Ch. F. Krause in Spanien.Ernst Benz - 1954 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 6 (3):226-248.
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    Die Lehre vom Naturrecht bei Karl Ch. F. Krause.Theodor Schwarz - 1940 - Bern,: P. Haupt [etc.].
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    Bronisław F. Trentowski - \"polski Hegel\", \"polski Schelling\" czy \"polski Krause\"?Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (5):125-138.
    Author: Starzyńska-Kościuszko Ewa Title: BRONISŁAW F. TRENTOWSKI – “POLISH HEGEL”, “POLISH SCHELLING” OR “POLISH KRAUSE” (Bronisław F. Trentowski – „polski Hegel”, „polski Schelling”, „polski Krause”) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 125-138 Keywords: TRENTOWSKI, HEGEL, SCHELING, KRAUSE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this article author wanted to answer a question: Is Trentowski an original thinker or Polish imitator of Hegel’s, Schelling’s and Krause’s philosophy? Referring to existing settlements (...)
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    Teslimonia Aristophanea cum scholiorum lectionibus collegit et commentario critico instruxit W. Kraus. Pp. 61. (Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Dph 70/2.) Vienna and Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1931. Paper, M. 9.40. [REVIEW]F. W. Hall - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (02):83-84.
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    Review of Larry May, Marilyn Friedman and Andy Clark: Mind and Morals: Essays on Ethics and Cognitive Science.[REVIEW]G. F. Schueler - 1997 - Ethics 107 (2):349-351.
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    Women in Antiquity - Marilyn Skinner : Rescuing Creusa. New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity. .) Pp. iv+175. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 1987. $21.00. [REVIEW]Jane F. Gardner - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):337-339.
  39. Enrique M. Urena, Philosophie und gesellschaftliche Praxis. Wirkung der Philosophie K. C. F. Krauses in Deutschland , Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt, Frommann - Holzboog, Spekulation und Erfahrung, Texte und Untersuchungen zum deutschen Idealismus , Abteilung II - Untersuchungen, Band 23, 2001. [REVIEW]Edmundo Pires - 2002 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 11 (21):329-333.
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    Review: John E. Pfeiffer, Robert S. Hahn, O. F. Krause, Charles Bomgren, Alexander B. Morris, J. C. Brown, Charles E. Bures, Mark I. Halpern, John E. Pfeiffer, Symbolic Logic. [REVIEW]Nicholas Rescher - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):276-276.
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    Six Measurement Problems of Quantum Mechanics.F. A. Muller - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 225-259.
    The notorious ‘measurement problem’ has been roving around quantum mechanics for nearly a century since its inception, and has given rise to a variety of ‘interpretations’ of quantum mechanics, which are meant to evade it. We argue that no less than six problems need to be distinguished, and that several of them classify as different types of problems. One of them is what traditionally is called ‘the measurement problem’. Another of them has nothing to do with measurements but is a (...)
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  42. Discerning Fermions.Simon Saunders & F. A. Muller - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (3):499 - 548.
    We demonstrate that the quantum-mechanical description of composite physical systems of an arbitrary number of similar fermions in all their admissible states, mixed or pure, for all finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, is not in conflict with Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (PII). We discern the fermions by means of physically meaningful, permutation-invariant categorical relations, i.e. relations independent of the quantum-mechanical probabilities. If, indeed, probabilistic relations are permitted as well, we argue that similar bosons can also be discerned in all (...)
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    Die Krause-Rezeption in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert: Philosophie, Religion, Staat.Enrique M. Ureña - 2007 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Johannes Seidel.
    In der Zeit nach K. C. F. Krauses Tod wurde in der Philosophie darum gerungen, die umwalzende Kraft des deutschen Idealismus zeitgemass zu retten. In diesem Zusammenhang spielte Krause eine wichtige Rolle. Sein System wurde verstarkt rezipiert - in Lehrbuchern, in Ruges, Schweglers und Noacks Jahrbuchern, aber auch beispielsweise in I. H. Fichtes Zeitschrift fur Philosophie. Weiterhin aufschlussreich fur die Wirkung Krauses ist die von Urena beleuchtete Krause'sche Position zum Deutschkatholizismus im Gegensatz etwa zu Gervinus, Bayrhoffer oder Vischer. Uberdies zeigt (...)
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    Knowledge and development.Willis F. Overton & Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Plenum Press.
    From an informal group of a dozen faculty and graduate students at Temple University, the Jean Piaget Society grew in seven years to 500 members who have interests in the application of genetic epistemology to their own disciplines and professions. At the outset Piaget endorsed the concept of a society which bore his name and presented a major address on equilibration at the society's first symposium in May, 1971. Had he not done so the society would no doubt have remained (...)
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    An Overview of Possibilistic Handling of Default Reasoning, with Experimental Studies.Salem Benferhat, Jean F. Bonnefon & Rui da Silva Neves - 2005 - Synthese 146 (1-2):53-70.
    This paper first provides a brief survey of a possibilistic handling of default rules. A set of default rules of the form, "generally, from α deduce β", is viewed as the family of possibility distributions satisfying constraints expressing that the situation where α and β is true has a greater plausibility than the one where α and ⇁β is true. When considering only the subset of linear possibility distributions, the well-known System P of postulates proposed by Kraus, Lehmann and (...)
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    An overview of possibilistic handling of default reasoning, with experimental studies.Salem Benferhat, Jean F. Bonnefon & Rui Silva Nevedas - 2005 - Synthese 146 (1-2):53 - 70.
    . This paper first provides a brief survey of a possibilistic handling of default rules. A set of default rules of the form, “generally, from α deduce β”, is viewed as the family of possibility distributions satisfying constraints expressing that the situation where α and β is true has a greater plausibility than the one where a and - β is true. When considering only the subset of linear possibility distributions, the well-known System P of postulates proposed by Kraus, (...)
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  47. Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism.Clifford F. Porter - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):151-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 151-171 [Access article in PDF] Eric Voegelin on Nazi Political Extremism Clifford F. Porter Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) is not as well known among historians as he is among political theorists, yet he has had a continuing influence on both German Social Democrat and Christian Democrat political leaders. His early life is very much a reflection of both the intellectual developments and (...)
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    Wittgenstein. [REVIEW]W. A. F. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):601-602.
    This book is an intellectual biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein covering the decade following the First World War. For the most part the work is narrated after the fashion of a field research journal and is filled with incidents and anecdotes that are new to Wittgenstein lore. The book has three major sections. The first discloses previously unrevealed aspects of Wittgenstein’s character and personal life with the open shamelessness common to contemporary writers. The second part is devoted to a consideration of (...)
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    Aquinas and the cry of Rachel: Thomistic reflections on the problem of evil.John F. X. Knasas - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 The Cry of Rachel -- Maritain's 1942 Marquette Aquinas Lecture -- Maritain's The Person and the Common Good -- Camus's The Plague -- ch. 2 Joy -- Being as the Good and the Eruption of Willing -- Being and Philosophical Psychology -- An Ordinary Knowledge of God and Metaphysics -- Metaphysics as Implicit Knowledge -- Being and the Intellectual Emotions -- ch. 3 Quandoque Evils -- Aquinas's Rationale for the Corruptible Order -- The Corruptible (...)
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    Las razones de la preferencia hispana por la doctrina jurídica de Krause con respecto a la filosofía de Hegel.Delia Manzanero - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:361-382.
    Este estudio está consagrado a puntualizar las líneas generales de la traslación, recepción y asimilación de la filosofía del derecho de K. Ch. F. Krause (1781 -1832) y de G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831) en la España del siglo XIX. Nuestro objetivo es hacer un examen crítico de algunas de las razones –históricas, sociológicas, religiosas, filosóficas y materiales– que explican por qué fue acogida con preferencia la filosofía de Krause en lugar de la filosofía hegeliana. Asimismo, se pasa lista a (...)
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